Is that vanilla cake I smell?

10 May 2012

I am a sucker for bath and shower gels, bubble baths, etc. When I was given the opportunity to review the new line Cake at Eden Fantasys, I jumped at it. Imagine cake-smelling bubbles!

Cake is a new company to me and I had never used there products before. I received a 17.4 oz bottle of Cake Supremely Rich Bath and Shower Froth in "it's a slice." They also have "desserted island," which I have yet to try.

The beauty product is infused with virgin oil de coco creme which gives it the really frothy, yummy scent. The it's a slice scent smells like vanilla cake. I always find it humorous too because I use this as a soap for a quick wash-up before bed. I then go lay down and tell my hubby that "it smells like cake down there!" We always get a good laugh.

Anyway, as for the product itself... I love it. It is a perfectly good, sudsy bubble bath or shower gel. It can be used either way. I prefer to use it as a shower gel because the scent seems to be a little different when used as a bubble bath (although I am unsure of why this is).

Have you seen the commercial where she says "it's like you shoved a rainbow up your nose?" Well this is like you shoved a piece of yummy vanilla cake up your nose. Love it! I highly recommend this product as a gift too. It would be great for bridal/baby showers, etc.

If you have not had the opportunity to try Cake products, I recommend you do so. They are perfect for a little "me" time and everyone deserves a little pampering. Oh and you can make your who-ha smell like vanilla cake! How delicious is that?

The full ingredient list for Cake can be found here.


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